Considering that the consumption of the building is satisfied from either the PV, the low voltage grid and/or the battery storage system, a specific energy management algorithm is presented for this model, in order to provide an efficient power flow between the aforementioned sources and the building load. This model contains a Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) system connected to the grid through a DC-DC boost converter, a DC-AC inverter and a battery storage system in active parallel configuration. Considering the importance storage systems have gained during the last years, in this paper we propose an energy management algorithm for a grid-connected PV system with battery storage. Storage systems have been identified as an ideal solution for mitigating these problems since their integration across the grid can reduce generation-load imbalances and assist in primary frequency regulation. Their intermittent nature in combination with the lack of rotational inertia made system operation even more difficult and frequency/voltage fluctuations larger. The increased penetration of renewables in power system generation has introduced several stability issues to existing power systems. Simulation results of the proposed system given and examined to verify the applicability of the idea. Further, a newly proposed power-sharing method is investigated to increase the amount of energy stored with SC. The HESS is designed in MATLAB/Simulink using bidirectional converters and simulated for resistive, battery, SC loads, and also combinations of these loads. Also, control algorithms for bidirectional converters are investigated with a detailed literature review to define the best solution for the proposed system. The HESS is designed using bidirectional converters, and the working principles are given. A photovoltaic powered hybrid system storing the energy in a battery, and an SC is used to solve the big problems in the source and load side. Supercapacitor (SC) technology is proposed in such a hybrid storage system. In this paper, the focus is on the active power control using a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) on the energy generation side by applying bidirectional power converters and maximum power point tracking (MPPT)control using a boost converter. The main faults on the consumer side can be surplus or unregulated energy demand and in such cases, storage requirements exist for this energy to regulate the energy demand and thereby having a hybrid energy system. The main problems on the energy providers are surplus or unregulated energy generation like in partially cloudy or fully sunny days. The increase of renewable energy generation and the integration with the grid brings some difficulties on the power network worldwide.